
There are many illnesses being treated in the Nimnica Spa. The most
treated ones are the illnesses of the respiratory tract (bronchial asthma, allergies), skeletal problems, cardio–vascular diseases, oncological issues, occupational diseases, metabolic diseases, problems with glands (e.g. diabetes), digestive and gynecological illnesses.

There is also a large spectrum of procedures offered in the spa. We
offer not only massages, different packages, compresses, but also
inhalations, electrical and magnetic healing, baths or exercising
with physiotherapists.

The effects of bathing in the mineral water are mainly through the
influence of the carbon dioxide onto blood–vessels of the skin and mucous membrane. It causes the vasodilatation (broadening of
blood vessels), hyperaemia (more blood in the tissues), nutrition supply and detoxication effect.

When you bathe in the healing water, your blood pressure goes
down, dieresis goes up. The mineral bath lasts 20 minutes and it is recommended for many diseases, such as oncological, cardiovascular, skeletal, gynecological and occupational problems.

The inhalation of our mineral water positively influences mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, has a positive effect on inflammation and brings some relief for coughs.

Regular drinking of our healing water influences mucous membranes of the digestive system, relieves inflammations, improves peristalsis of the stomach and intestine. The water helps people with diabetes as it improves the effect of insulin.

Psychological interventions and services such as workshops and specific trainings are important parts of the stay too. However, the most important fact is that your stay in our Nimnica spa does not only benefit your body but your spirit too. Come and see for yourself.

illustrative list

  • I. Oncological diseases
  • II. Circulatory system diseases
    • Status after acute carditis
    • Valvular
    • Coronary heart disease
    • Status after implatácii pacemaker
    • Status after acute myocardial
    • Hypertensive disease
    • Status after heart surgery
    • Conditions after reconstructive surgery on the vascular system
  • III. Digestive diseases
    • Peptic ulcer disease, duodenal
    • The following operations on the stomach, duodenum, esophagus, liver, pancreas
    • Regional enterocolitis
    • Crohn's Disease
    • Status after resection of the small intestine and colon
    • Colitis
    • Status after gallbladder surgery, chronic conditions
    • Status after acute hepatitis
    • Status after acute pancreatitis, chronic conditions
  • IV. Disease, metabolic disorders and endocrine
    • Diabetes mellitus, hyperlipoproteinemia, after surgery for thyroid thyrotoxicosis
  • V. Non-tuberculosis respiratory diseases
    • Chronic bronchitis and obstructive type
    • Bronchial asthma
    • Postoperative airway and lungs
    • Allergic rhinitis
    • Pulmonary Fibrosis
  • VI. Nervous diseases
    • Paralytic poliomyelitis
    • Inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system
    • Conditions after surgeries and injuries to the central nervous system
    • Multiple Sclerosis
    • Muscular dystrophy
    • Parkinson's Disease
    • Cerebral palsy
  • VII. Musculoskeletal diseases
    • Rheumatoid arthritis
    • Bechterova disease.
    • Scoliosis,
    • Arthritis
    • Coxartrose
    • Arthritis
    • Status after operations of the locomotor system
  • XI. Gynecological diseases
    • Primary and secondary sterility and infertility
    • The failure of ovarian function and uterine development
    • Chronic inflammation of internal genitals
    • Status after reconstructive surgery
    • The following operations on the internal genitals
    • Complications following abortion and ectopic pregnancy
    • Menopause
  • XII. Occupational diseases

Children - outpatient

  • XXV. Non-tuberculosis respiratory diseases
  • XXVI. Nervous diseases
  • XXVII. Musculoskeletal diseases

Späť na hlavnú stránku

Lekárske vyšetrenie
Cvičenie s fyzioterapeutom
Liečebná procedúra
Liečebná procedúra
Procedúry detí pri rozprávkach :)
Liečivý kúpeľ
Zloženie nimnickej minerálky

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Kúpele Nimnica a.s.

020 71 Nimnica

Slovenská republika